Our assumption that Italy and Spain passed the maximum number of active cases of infection in mid-April has confirmed. Today's table differs from the previous one by adding three columns: the Absolute number of tests, the Relative number of tests, and the Relative number of detected cases. Also, Peru was added instead of China due to the lack of Chinese statistics of tests.
Table 1 shows that in comparison with the Asian stage, a greater number of days is required to reach the maximum number of active cases: previously, 20-40 days, now - 80-90.
More than 5% of the population was tested in Spain, Belgium, Portugal and Israel, and less than 1% - in Iran, Brazil and India. (Hist.1)
Hist.1 Relative to the population number of tests (blue) and the relative number of infected (red)
In terms of the relative number of infected, the USA, Spain and Belgium are ahead (more than 0.4% of the population), tailing Brazil, South Korea, India and Australia-less than 0.1%. (Chart 1)
Chart 1 Number of infected as a percentage of the population (blue) and number of deaths per 100,000 population (red)
More than 32 deaths per 100,000 population: in Belgium, Spain, Italy, Britain, France, Sweden and the Netherlands. Less than 9 – in India, Australia, South Korea, Russia, Israel, Turkey, Austria, Brazil, Peru and Iran.In Table 1, the 4th column from the end shows the countries that passed the first wave of the epidemic. In the third column from the end, the yellow cells indicate that the wave is close to its apogee and the brown ones indicate countries where the end is not yet visible – Peru, Brazil, Russia, Sweden and India.
The most backward medicine - in three neighboring countries, where the number of deaths relative to the number of cases is highest, %:·
3 Britain 14.4·
2 France 15.3·
1 Belgium 16.4.
And, the most intriguing, 4 countries with the most advanced medicine. In the 4-th column of Tab.1 you can see number of deaths relative to detected cases, %. The leaders are:·
4 S.Korea 2.4·
3 Israel 1.6·
2 Australia 1.4
Based on official data, country that has the best equipped medicine in the world with the most professional doctors is drum roll :
1 Russia 0.9.
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