Saturday, April 11, 2020

At least 2.5 billion of the World's 7.7 population can relax

In their countries, the peak of the epidemic has either passed, or it will happen in the next five days. Today is April 11, 2020-Great Saturday for Catholics. And today, in Italy and Spain, the maximum number of infected people (Active Cases) is recorded, after which COVID-19 will go down.
En toda EspaƱa cielo despejado

The table below shows the countries with the highest number of infected people. Mortality relative to the number of infected people varies from 0.78% in Russia to 12.77% in Italy (4th column). If the number of deaths is attributed to the number of residents, the spread among countries where the peak has passed will be as follows,%:
Australia 0.00022
China 0.00024
US 0.00569
Italy 0.03129
Spain 0.03472  (6th column).
That is, while there are no other leaders, there are reasons to assign the COVID-19 nickname "Spanish flu-2".
The penultimate column shows the number of days from the beginning of the epidemic to its maximum. It took several days for the countries to win:
Korea 21
Australia 25
China 32
Spain 41
Italy 48.
On average, they managed it in 34 days. In the last column, yellow indicates countries where the maximum is expected in the next 5 days, and brown-where  COVID-19 is in full swing. The epidemic lasts there on average, 36 days. After reaching the maximum in these countries, the estimate of the time from the beginning of the epidemic in the country to the reversal of the trend will increase to 40 days. Special attention needs to be paid to the course of  COVID-19 in Sweden, where they refused to quarantine and did not lose anything - the death rate is  as the average in Europe, and the maximum development of the epidemic is expected in the coming days.

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